“Immunity passport” - a new type of passport

Many countries are considering a new type of passport, as new conditions require new solutions.

An “Immunity Passport” is a proposed new type of passport to be issued to patients who have successfully fought off COVID-19. This passport will give them freedom of movement around the country, possibility to communicate with people. They can go to work and abroad. Such a passport can replace the COVID-19 certificate, which is required by travel authorities.

Australia and the UK are already interested in the possibility of introducing such a passport.

How are people supposed to use such passports? Most likely in the future, it will be as an addition to the traditional passport that people will need to have with them when traveling.

Passports already use biometric chips, in which there are a fingerprint and blood type information. The software can be updated to include COVID-19 certificate data and to combine two passports.

Despite the fact that the idea of such a passport is fascinating, experts advise caution.

In Italy, several thousand people have already been tested for antibodies and the development of immunity.

“With respect to immunity testing and the issuing of “immunity” certificates, I advise caution. COVID-19 belongs to the same family of viruses as the common cold virus. Infections with the common cold virus do not produce strong immunity and immunity is usually short-lived, usually about three months. We do not yet know how long immunity to the COVID-19 virus would last. Thus, is it very important to take note of this and continue to maintain infection control measures, post-infection, while research is being done. We need more research in this area.” said Dr. Bharat Pankhania, Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Exeter Medical School.

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