Saint Kitts and Nevis Government Confirms Limited Time Offer for a St. Kitts Golden Visa Expires

The government of Saint Kitts and Nevis has announced that the time-limited offer will not be extended for 2022. This means that investors have very little time to make the most of the special offer and obtain St. Kitts and Nevis golden visa.

If you aren’t sure about why you’d need a St. Kitts and Nevis passport, there are plenty of reasons. To begin with, St. Kitts and Nevis has a citizenship status that gives you visa free access to a myriad of countries, and a golden visa is actually easily obtained. 

St. Kitts and Nevis Golden Visa can be one of the best decisions ever made. This is a Platinum Standard Investment Program that attracts thousands of foreigners every year. The idea to have dual citizenship, visa-free access, no inheritance tax, ability to add family member to the application and reasonable investment requirements make a lot of investors to think about obtaining St. Kitts and Nevis golden visa.

The investment citizenship program allows you to get a St. Kitts golden visa by paying certain government fees. processing fees and other fees, and of course, looking into real estate investment and an investment unit. 

If you’re wondering whether or not it’s worth it, we’ve got the answer for you - yes, it’s definitely worth it. Enjoying a tax free life and visa free travels to pretty much any country in the world? Yes, please.

What are the benefits of Saint Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program?

  • Quick processing: the citizenship is granted in 60 days (via Accelerated Application Process - AAP)

  • Zero tax: St. Kitts & Nevis imposes no income, wealth or inheritance taxes.

  • An applicant does not need to visit St. Kitts & Nevis in order to qualify for citizenship, although all applicants are subject to a strict due diligence check.

  • St. Kitts & Nevis recognizes dual citizenship, so you can still benefit from your current citizenship.

  • Good visa-free travel: With a passport of St. Kitts & Nevis you can travel visa free and worry free to more than 140 countries in the world, including all Europe and Union countries, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Caribbean and most Commonwealth nations. Citizens can often acquire long-term travel visas to the United States of America.


Limited time offer:

- a family of 4 US$ 150k

- main applicant + spouse: US$ 150k 

- additional contribution for each dependent US$ 10k

Dependent unmarried childless brother/sister <30 yo of the MA US$ 20k

Offer only applies to citizenship acquisition through investment in the Sustainable Growth Fund.

Offer only applies to citizenship acquisition through investment in the Sustainable Growth Fund (non-refundable contribution).

If you want to make a stronger connection with your new country, then investment in government-approved real estate projects can be your best choice! With the real estate investment you have the right to resell the property after 5-7 years.

Does your current passport and citizenship create more worries than benefits? Take a closer look at Citizenship by Investment programs and rediscover the world!

Download our free ebook to find out more about this!


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