Grenada has registered more CIP real estate applications than donations

According to the latest report from the Ministry of Finance, Grenada received more real estate applications in the fourth quarter of 2019: 63 applications. At the same time, 58 applications were received for donations.

However, in the fourth quarter, more applications were rejected than in any other period. 27 applications were rejected, out of 121 received. This is the largest number for the year.

If we look at the year in general, then in 2019 Grenada granted citizenship to 1364 non-residents

Learn more about Citizenship by Investment in Grenada

Grenada is one of the most popular Caribbean countries providing citizenship by investment program. Investments in real estate in Grenada is not only a cozy house by the sea but also the creation of great economic opportunities for the country. For example, new jobs are being created, hotels are being built to meet tourist demand.

In total, Grenada received $ 144 million in real estate investments through approved CBI projects.

Grenada is highly regarded as part of the Citizenship by Investment program due to its price, passport advantage, access to the E2 investor visa in the USA and close relations with China.

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