Americans Are Increasingly Purchasing New Zealand Investor Visa

According to statistics released by the New Zealand Immigration Service, there have been 178 Category 1 applications and 52 Category 2 applications since July 2020.

Category 1 provides for an investment of NZ$3 million and Category 2 for NZ$10 million.

That is, an investment of more than a billion New Zealand dollars is on the way. Half of which are from the USA.

It is not known how soon the country will approve the applications, since due to the ongoing closure of the borders it is impossible to do this on a legal basis.

According to statistics, the largest percentage of applicants were from China. However, after the start of the pandemic, American investors began to show great interest in New Zealand and the percentage of investors changed.

“From the surge of inquiries that we have seen, there are plenty of US citizen waiting to see which of the countries they have chosen will welcome them first,” said the director of the immigration company. “New Zealand holds the upper hand in that the conditions around its investor visas give a clearer path to residency compared with Australia, for example. But if the NZ Government doesn’t follow through its process after selecting people from an expression of interest list, they will just take their money elsewhere at a time our economy could do with it.”

In addition to New Zealand, US investors are considering the Caribbean for citizenship by investment.

Source: imidaily